On 26th March at 8pm PWRA residents all got together to support the #clapforourcarers campaign to support the NHS and key workers across the country during the Coronovirus crisis.
Use of communal areas during period of enhanced Coronavirus (COVID-19) controls
On the 23rd March the UK Government enhanced much stricter controls to reduce the spread of infection within the UK and reduce strain on essential public services. Full details of this can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
At Plymouth Wharf we are lucky to have a private communal outside space that residents can use to exercise etc. However, for the safety of all residents we ask that everyone apply common sense should they do this. Furthermore, due to the restrictions we may experience reduced cleaning and refuse collection services.
For these reasons, we are asking all residents to heed the following guidance with regards use of communal areas:
- Follow the government guidance on keeping safe distances and restricting any outing to small household groups only;
- Only utilise the outside space if you can see it is not already busy with others and be considerate of others in terms of how much time you take up;
- Take responsibility for tidying and disposing your waste as efficiently as possible (break down cardboard boxes, double bag refuse in black bags etc);
- Take responsibility for keeping shared communal spaces clean (e.g. block and entrance doors etc) including wiping down with wipes / cleaning products where possible
Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance
We have recently received a number of queries from residents regarding the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
It is important to remain calm and follow the government guidance, which can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response
At this point we are not aware of any resident infection with COVID-19 in the development but all residents are asked to pay close attention to hygiene especially where shared facilities are concerned.
Having taken guidance from ARMA (Association of Residential Managing Associations), of which PWRA is a member, we will however be taking the following additional steps and precautions:
- We are contacting all our suppliers and contractors to ask that they ensure they follow government guidance as well as report any instances of Coronavirus infection within their staff to us;
- We are asking any residents who are self-isolating due to suspected Coronavirus symptoms or because they believe they are within a high risk vulnerable group to register with PWRA board of directors by emailing directors@plymouthwharf.com providing:
- Property number
- Reason for self-isolation
- Number of people within the household
- Preferred contact email and telephone number
- Note – This information register:
- will be kept securely and strictly in-confidence in accordance with data protection (GDPR) regulations as outlined by the ICO;
- will not be shared with anyone outside of the PWRA board of directors;
- will only used to monitor safety of those residents and guide ongoing policy decisions;
- will only be held as long as the outbreak continues, whereupon it will be destroyed.
- A number of residents have already offered to provide support such as collecting shopping or even someone to talk to for those self-isolating. Anyone requiring such assistance should either utilise the community WhatsApp group or contact us directly and we will be happy to coordinate.
Waste disposal considerations
Please pay attention to the government guidance on waste disposal particularly if you think you may have symptoms to help us reduce risk to other residents:
“When cleaning you should use your usual household products, like detergents and bleach, as these will be very effective at getting rid of the virus on surfaces. Clean frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, handrails, remote controls and table tops. This is particularly important if you have an older or vulnerable person in the house.
Personal waste (such as used tissues) and disposable cleaning cloths can be stored securely within disposable rubbish bags. These bags should be placed into another bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. This should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual external household waste bin.
Other household waste can be disposed of as normal.”
We will be sharing this same communication with all property owners via email or in writing according to their recorded preferences and kindly ask that all owners please share the link to this post with their tennants.