*** This article has been reposted from a Tower Hamlets Mayor communication ***

The government has announced that London is entering tier 3 – very high alert – from Wednesday morning, 16 December.
With cases of Covid-19 rising so rapidly this change is necessary to stop the virus spreading in bars and restaurants and other places where people might mix. While shops remain open I urge you to be extra careful to prevent transmission in the run up to Christmas. Remember, you’re potentially infectious for 10 days after getting Covid-19, even if you do not have any symptoms.
It remains critically important to avoid mixing with other households inside – as this is one of the main ways that infection is rising again in our borough.
Check the rules to see how the change of tier impacts on you.
I know these added restrictions are disruptive to both residents and businesses but they are in place to keep us all safe. We will continue to work with the government to increase testing and make the case for adequate economic support for Tower Hamlets.
Please play your part to #KeepTowerHamletsSafe. Do also check on friends, family and neighbours by phone. Uncertain times can affect people’s mental health, so it’s vital we look out for each other safely. A host of health and wellbeing resources are available on our website.
We also have a dedicated phoneline for vulnerable residents to get support with self-isolation, supplies and urgent needs throughout the pandemic.
Stay safe,
Mayor Briggs